Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My life story ...

I remember when I was a child about 6 or 7 years old my sister-in law took me to her mother's home  the day after Chinese New Year. In Chinese customs that day is called 'daughter's day.' All the daughters must go back to her parent's home to pay respect to her mother and father. I was very excited and had a great time to play with other kids all day. By the end of the evening I was so tired and went to bed. While I was enjoying the feeling of the soft grass under the grass mat that I slept on. My eye was watching the little flame from the oil lamp hanging on the wall. All of sudden there was a dark shadow image just flew by and made the light from the oil lamp waving. I was so shocked and frightened I could not sleep at all.

I had a high fever at night and my body was itching all over. I cried and cried. I was so scared. The dark shadow image kept flowing in my mind.  My sister-in-law was so worried and took me to see a doctor. I did not know the diagnosis but I was very sick for a month and unable to go to school.

Because my home is in the countryside and there are hardly any doctors around, my mom had to move with  me to my sister's house so I could be seen by a doctor. After all the loving tender care of my mom and doctor finally I went home after one month.  I remember that one day I was sleeping when some of my relatives came to visit me. "They were talking about my condition. One said: "She doesn't want to eat or do anything. Look at how sick she is. I  think she is dying." The other relative said: "No I don't think so." Although they were talking softly I could hear them. I was too sick to ask about dying but my mind was keep thinking what does it mean dying?  I just know when my father died he slept in a box and went somewhere and never came home again. The thought that I would never come home again made me very worried.

I asked my mom and my sisters about my childhood sickness many times when I was growing up but no one can remember the name. Later they revealed more of the story about my near-death experience at birth. I realized that I am lucky to be alive. To be continued.

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